Dec 10, 2011

If Facebook finally goes public in 2012, the world's largest social network could create well over 1,000 millionaires, a new report claims.

Reuters, citing several sources, reported the social network has over the years supplemented salaries with stock. The move, which is common in startups, helps keep immediate costs down, but also provides employees with additional incentive to stay with the company and focus their efforts on helping it grow.

Facebook, however, is a special case. Although many startups offer shares, few help employees become millionaires. With over 3,000 employees now, it's conceivable that by the time those folks can cash out their Facebook stock, over one-third of the company's employees will be millionaires.

That said, according to Reuters, the distribution of shares isn't even. Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg owns about 20 ... cnet 
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