Teen pop star Justin Bieber made an appearance at the 2012 International Consumer Electronics Expo to introduce and offbeat tech product.
The Biebs unveiled TOSY Robotics' mRobo Ultra Bass, a dancing robot that plays music. The Vietnam-based electronics company rushed to show off a prototype of the portable speaker at CES this year - perhaps a bit prematurely. There were a few snags at the press event, in the form of microphone and screen failures.
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"We're thrilled to be able to unveil mRobo Ultra Bass here at CES 2012 with the help of one of the world's most recognized stars, Justin Bieber," said TOSY Robotics founder and chief executive officer Ho Vinh Hoang.
There's no information on how much Bieber was paid for his appearance.
I'm just going to come out and say it - the mRobo is sort of creepy looking. Don't we have enough creepy robots in the world? Sure, there's an audience for a dancing robot music-player, but I just can't imagine that thing staring at me when I'm home relaxing. Although, I will say it's a perfect accessory for a frat house or man cave.
Creepiness aside, it is a unique and memorable product.
Hallo Welt!
5 years ago